What Are Your Legal Options For Noisy Neighbors?

The first step towards finding out whether legal options exist is to find out what the county and city ordinances on noise levels are in your area. You can go to the local offices and ask someone there or stop by the police station and inquire there. Your neighbor may or may not be doing anything wrong according to those ordinances.  

Possible Time Limitations

In most areas, specific times of the day are supposed to be quiet but can vary. As a general rule, it is usually between 11 pm and 6 am, Monday to Friday; and 11 pm to 8 am Saturday and Sunday. If disturbing noise bothers you within those time limits, the neighbor can be in trouble legally.

Another factor to consider is the decibel/intensity of the noise. A good example is of a neighbor having hard rock music playing from noon until 8 pm. The police department can place a decibel meter on the property lines for a reading during that time.

Steps to Take

Talk to the neighbor in a respectful and polite manner; maybe the person did not realize the noise was bothersome to the adjoining properties or apartment. The owner/tenant may not have been present at the time the noise occurred.

Give a warning to the neighbor and send a copy of the local ordinances with the sections underlined about the noise factors involved. You should also attach a note stating what is believed to be the problem. Keep copies of all the correspondence, written or verbal.

If there is a housing agreement in a planned community or a residential lease, send a copy of that with the areas highlighted about the noise pollution. Submit a copy to the landlord or homeowner's association who have the authority to do more than you. This may remedy the situation without calling the police.

If you have a good relationship with the neighbor, try a mediator to join the involved parties and try to devise a plan to resolve the issue. In some areas, mediation services may be provided at a low-cost or free.

If nothing works with these suggestions, call the police. You can provide the information you have tried to no avail. The police may then come in and investigate the problem. When you call, it is best to be done at a time the disturbance is occurring.

With the use of these pointers, you have the information needed for that noisy neighbor. Hopefully, your neighbor will come to their senses and stop disturbing the peace.
